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【教育专栏】父母身教胜过机教(2015-9-16 15:40:58)



IPhone, iPad is not just adults, basically even a small number of friends, but a small number of friends from these advanced machine learning how much? In Paddy's view, learning in the advanced "machine", as parents teach by precept and example.

才两岁四个月的大女儿馒头,一天突然在亲友面前完整地献唱了一曲"忍者小灵精",歌词咬字还相当标准,在座众人( 包括我) 既惊且喜。

Only child, aged two years and four months, daughter of steamed bread, one day suddenly in front of all the relatives and friends complete sang song "Ninja healer essence", lyrics articulation is also fairly standard, everyone (including me) present both surprise and joy.


A routine "before going to bed."


As saying the night before, I normally and steamed bread for routine "before going to bed singing Zi", before I have been just and she sing some simple songs, such as "123", "brush your teeth song", "Postman Pat" and so on, but the steamed bread curiosity increasingly surging. Recently, every night also requires I "sing the new song", my song "song library" gradually "bottomed out". That night, I choose an optional sing the "Ninja healer essence", more concentrated in the middle of the song lyrics, not to mention the children, even adults, is not easy to read familiar lyrics.


At that time, I and steamed bread sing several times, she has been following me hum, but soon fell asleep, thought it would be too difficult, so she knows to sleep ". Who knows, she has the melody and the lyrics note, the next day can also sing out of breath, really unexpected.


Is the steamed bread more clever? I'm not sure, but one thing is certain, is because we use the body to teach, as well as she learned particularly fast, everything is particularly easy to enter the brain. Steamed bread will occasionally come into contact with some of the "machine", such as automatic broadcasting the song of toys, talking dolls, of course, there are mobile phones and TV, but according to my mother and steamed bread, steamed bread rarely sing those songs she heard it from the "machine"; although she was on those disks seen countless Minnie Mouse taught her to read "a, B, C", but in the end she really learn the letters, but is padded, pointing to the family letters of the alphabet, word by word to teach her to recognize and read, only a few days, she learned to most of the letters.


Learning instinct and innate

学习是与生俱来的本能,亦是上帝的巧妙设计,透过教和学,让人类沟通互动,增进感情。学习期间,我们会马上纠正馒头的发音,有时会反覆向她发问,答中了又会热烈赞赏,她一听到我们拍手大赞,便会兴奋若狂,从而大大提高她的学习兴趣,而这样的学习方式,是( 我们以为很先进的) 机器所不能提供的。

Learning is inherent in nature, is also a clever design of God, through teaching and learning, so that human communication and interaction, enhance the feelings of. During the study, we will immediately correct the steamed bread of pronunciation, sometimes repeatedly asked her questions, answer and warmly appreciated. When she heard praising our hands, will be excited if crazy, thus greatly improving her interest in learning, and this way of learning, is the thought of very advanced machine) can provide.


Now, every night before bedtime, steamed bread shouted to us said new stories and sing a new song, she know how to sing the song numerous poems and songs can barely speak the "wolf" and "the tortoise and the hare" story, can easily tell the disciples of Jesus: Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Judah, and so on... This is totally dependent on the 30 minute time per night.


Experts say children before the age of three with life in the most amazing ability to learn. This stage also lay their cognition of the world, and the future mode of learning. Do you want your child to be used to learning in the future, or with a machine? Everything depends on their parents' decision.
